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Asia Kakehashi Project+ (Plus) Scholarship 2023 | Apply Now
The Asia Kakehashi Project+(Plus) Scholarship 2023-2024 program is open for all eligible and interested Filipinos. Students who are looking to Study Abroad must have a look at this scholarship.
Table of Contents
- Kakehashi Project+(Plus) Scholarship
- Scholarship Benefits
- Elgibility for Asia Kakehashi Project+(Plus) Scholarship:
- Documentary Requirements
- How to Apply for Asia Kakehashi Project+(Plus) Scholarship
- Scholarship Application Deadline
Kakehashi Project+(Plus) Scholarship
KAKEHASHI in Japanese means “Building Bridges”. This is an initiative developed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to promote links between Japan and the rest of Asia, grants complete scholarships for 1,000 Asian high school students to study in Japan’s public and private high schools during the next five years.
These kids, along with 40, 000 Japanese teenagers, will strengthen their global competence skills and learn more about one other’s countries.
Scholarship Benefits
Following are the benefits of Asia Kakehashi Project+(Plus) Scholarship:
- A Full scholarship funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to build bridges between high school students in Japan and in Asia.
- This scholarship provides opportunities to Asian high school students to study and be culturally immersed in Japan for a semester (November 2023-March 2024).
- Selected students will study in a Japanese high school while staying with a host family or in a school dormitory.
- Other main goal of this program is to expose Asian high school students to Japanese culture, local communities and industries and as well as Japanese high school students to Asian students.
Elgibility for Asia Kakehashi Project+(Plus) Scholarship:
Following is the eligbility criteria a candidate must meet to apply for scholarship:
- Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines, at the time of application, selection and preparation for travel and must have spent more than 50% of the last 5 years in the Philippines and with current family plans of returning to the Philippines after the program.
- The applicant must be between 15 and 18 years of age born after April 2, 2005 and before April 1, 2008.
- Must be among the top 25% of academic performance in grade level.
- Have an equivalent of a B average or better without failing grades. Obtained minimum of 60% marks in principle in all subjects in the latest examination at school and overall minimum average of 60% marks in all subjects for the past two years.
- The student must have strong academic and social skills, openness and flexibility.
- Demonstrated Japanese language ability sufficient to study in a native Japanese-medium setting; must be willing to learn how to speak Japanese prior to the start of the program.
- Sufficiently healthy to participate in the program.
- No previous significant travel to Japan on a Japanese government sponsored program.
- Committed to cultural immersion in Japan through a home-stay or dormitory experience.
- Able to meet cross-cultural challenges with maturity, humor and an open mind.
- Plans to share his/her experience with his/her home and community upon return.
Note: It is to be noted that the Priority will be given to the students of families with low income.
Documentary Requirements
Following is the list of documents required to apply for Asia Kakehashi Project+(Plus) Scholarship:
- An Accomplished AFS Global Link Online Application Form (link given below). When creating an online application form make sure students apply for the Asia Kakehashi Project/Kakehashi Project.
- Recent 2×2 ID size photo with white background attached in the application form.
- Signed Certification and Consent Form by a parent or legal guardian.
- Photocopy of Authenticated PSA Birth Certificate.
- Photocopy of most recent Form 137 or transcript of records from your Philippine high school.
- Photocopy of valid or government ID. School ID is accepted.
Please take note that application form with INCOMPLETE information and requirements will not be accepted.
How to Apply for Asia Kakehashi Project+(Plus) Scholarship
All interested and eligible candidates can apply for scholarship by visiting the following links:
Link to Online Application portal.
For more information on scholarship application submission policy and other info, read the Asia Kakehashi Project+(Plus) Scholarship Memo.
Scholarship Application Deadline
The deadline to submit the application to AFS Intercultural Programs Philippines is no later than June 27, 2023.
What is Asia Kakehashi scholarship?
What are the requirements for Asia Kakehashi program?
• An Accomplished AFS Global Link Online Application Form (link given below). When creating an online application form make sure students apply for the Asia Kakehashi Project/Kakehashi Project.
• Recent 2×2 ID size photo with white background attached in the application form.
• Signed Certification and Consent Form by a parent or legal guardian.
• Photocopy of Authenticated PSA Birth Certificate.
What are the benefits of Scholarship?
• A Full scholarship funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to build bridges between high school students in Japan and in Asia.
What is the Scholarship Deadline?
[Source: AFS Philippines]